A visit to an art museum
What attracts weekend visitors to explore Evita Museum-Palacio Ferreyra (Argentine)?
Giving visitors a voice to recognize the reasons which lead them to approach art museums takes us back to old discussions within museology, connected to the content and the building, as well as it conducts us to question about the new purposes of the contemporary museal space. Given the magnitude of this challenge, and focusing in a particular case within Argentinean museums, the aim is to set out some guidelines supported by the theoretical-critical approaches applied to museum studies. In terms of methodology, a studies of the publics combining quantitative and qualitative research, was carried out in the Museum Of Fine Arts – Museo Superior de Bellas Artes Evita-Palacio Ferreyra (Córdoba, Argentine) during the year 2018. This museum, from its own specificities, allows us to identify some indications to outline both general and specific motivations regarding the visit to art museums.
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