The Memorial Museum: A New Specimen Among History Museums


  • Cintia Velázquez Marroni Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco-UNAM



memorial museums, musealization, History, History museums


In this essay, the author presents a short review about the emergence of memorial museums, among the general context of history museums in the 20th Century. Emphasis is made on the different political and academic transformations of the second half of the mentioned century, with the aim of identifying their impact in the process of musealization of the past. The memorial museum is analyzed, and also commented along with the ideas of other academics, to elucidate what defines it, what differentiates it from the others and how we can assume that it represents a new category of history museums.


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Author Biography

Cintia Velázquez Marroni, Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco-UNAM

Historiadora por la Facultad  de Filosofía y Letras  FFyL de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. En 2010 se tituló de maestra en Museología por la ENCRyM-INAH. En la actualidad se desempeña como jefa del Departamento de Educación del Centro Cultural Universitario Tlatelolco de la UNAM y profesora del seminario “La divulgación de la historia en el museo”, en el Colegio de Historia de la Facultad  de Filosofía y Letras  FFyL-UNAM.


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How to Cite

Velázquez Marroni, C. (2013). The Memorial Museum: A New Specimen Among History Museums. Intervención, (3), 26–32.



Research article