The Specialization for Photographic Conservation and Restoration of Photographs, International Program, ENCRyM-INAH. Achievements, Results and Perspectives a year after its opening


  • María Fernanda Valverde Valdés Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía ENCRyM - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH



critique, University education, conservation, restoration, photographs, Mexico


This paper is focused on the origins and development of the Postgraduate course on Conservation and Restoration of Photographs, an international programme with a highly specialized character, held for the first time in 2008 at the Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía (ENCRyM), Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH). The relevance of the programme within the academic, professional and job-oriented scopes are reviewed and discussed, along with an analysis of the achievements and limitations encountered during the first year the program was run. This evaluation leads to new proposals regarding the future of the postgraduate curricula at the ENCRyM  as well as the conservation and restoration of photographs in Mexico as a distinct discipline.


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Author Biography

María Fernanda Valverde Valdés, Escuela Nacional de Conservación, Restauración y Museografía ENCRyM - Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia INAH


Licenciada en restauración de bienes muebles por la ENCRyM-INAH, México, y maestra en ciencias por el Rochester Institute of Technology, Estados Unidos. Ha trabajado como asistente de investigación, docente y consultora en diferentes archivos, museos e instituciones del continente americano. Autora de numerosos artículos y libros especializados publicados en México y en los Estados Unidos, es también “Professional Associate” del American Institute for Conservation y miembro activo del ICOM-CC. Profesora de tiempo completo de la ENCRyM-INAH  desde 1993, es la actual coordinadora de la Especialidad en Conservación y Restauración de Fotografías, Programa Internacional, en dicha escuela.


Kennedy, Nora 1996 “The Coming Age of Photograph Conservation”, en Preprints of the 11th Triennial Meeting of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, París, International Council of Museums, 591-596.

Hess Norris, Debra y Nora Kennedy 2002 “Recent Advances and Future Directions in the Education and Training of Photograph Conservation”, en Preprints of the 13th Triennial Meeting of the ICOM Committee for Conservation, Río de Janeiro, International Council of Museums,


Valverde Valdés, María Fernanda 1999 “Proposal for an Academic Program for Photograph Conservators”, Topics in Photographic Conservation 8:44-51.



How to Cite

Valverde Valdés, M. F. (2010). The Specialization for Photographic Conservation and Restoration of Photographs, International Program, ENCRyM-INAH. Achievements, Results and Perspectives a year after its opening. Intervención, (1), 69–75.



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